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Learning OpenGL

Throughout this series of pages, I’ll be documenting my journey learning OpenGL on Rust, and who knows, maybe this can serve as a decent tutorial later. The (very idealistic) motivation herel is to end up with a fully-featured graphics engine, to couple with a homebrew game engine.

I’ll mainly be following the legendary OpenGL tutorial by Joey deVries which is found at The only catch here is that the tutorial is meant for those that are learning OpenGL in C++, which means that I’ll be needing to port over the code to Rust. Luckily, this repo by bwasty has done just that, so while I won’t be copying that code directly, it will definitely come in handy if I get stuck with the setup and any of the API calls.

I’ll also be putting any files and programs I write in my learning-opengl-rs repository, if you’re interested in checking out my code.

So, without further ado, let’s begin with the setup.

Table of contents